Canada's Meth Addicted Sub-Culture

Meth Addicted Canada

""Street Names of Meth :Ice, Crystal, Glass, Tina, Speed, Meth, Jibb, Gak, Ladies Speed, Mye, Chalk, Crank, Crystal Meth, C.R., Go, Go Fast, Geek, Geet, Red Rock, Tweak, Amp, Prope Dope, P2P, Poor Man's Coke, Pink Glass, Zip""

1 Pill, 5$ Up for 2 days and have the time of your life. Hey , sounds pretty nice doesn't it. Escape reality and conquer your altered sad state. Become able to do anything, lift anything, say anything. Oh wait I forgot to mention. Rob your family. grind your teeth until they bleed. Nawh off your lips and slowly loose all grip and perception of reality and consciousness. This is ICE, this is METH.

"Its just speed. Its not meth." We have all heard it. Out at the club, With your sketchy friend at 2am. Its taking over Canada. Canada is In a complicated place between The American Led war on drugs  and the reality that the war on drugs is a horrid mess that creates addicts and revenue. Instead of addressing the root problem and using rehabilitation to fix it.

From the West British Columbia all the way to the East of Nova Scotia people are waking up to the fact that we have a major issues facing us. With daily news reports of Fentanyl over doses and drug charges. It makes one wonder. Are we really fixing the problem, changing things. Or is everything just becoming worst. Meanwhile the RCMP raid legal Marijuana dispensaries all over Canada. Arresting hard drug users instead of helping them. Creating witness and people to flip instead of changing lives and protecting us.

Some Information:

Street Names of Meth :Ice, Crystal, Glass, Tina, Speed, Meth, Jibb, Gak, Ladies Speed, Mye, Chalk, Crank, Crystal Meth, C.R., Go, Go Fast, Geek, Geet, Red Rock, Tweak, Amp, Prope Dope, P2P, Poor Man's Coke, Pink Glass, Zip

* But meth is even more powerful than amphetamine.

For example, using cocaine will boost dopamine levels by 400%; Crystal meth up to 1500%. (NAHO 2006) The unnatural flood of dopamine disrupts the brain's ability to create or use the chemical naturally. Because of this, users who quit meth struggle to find pleasure in anything and are often depressed, and the only way back up is more meth. (The brain may repair the damage over time, but long-time addicts often struggle with memory loss, short attention spans and other problems.) Some Canadian addiction experts say that coming off crystal meth is worse than heroin or cocaine and point to the 92% relapse rate among crank addicts as proof.

Meth stays in your body's system for a long time. There are reports of new inmates who are regular meth users selling their own urine for the meth it contains.

Signs and Symptoms
Addicts of meth can be in an almost constant state of 'fight or flight' with the increased sensory perception – lights are brighter, sounds are louder, etc. Police are trained to speak with low voices and slow movements to prevent further agitation. 'Tweaking' refers to an OCD like repetitive behavior users high on meth do without realizing the harm, sometimes for hours at a time. Meth bugs refer to severe and chronic users' perception of their skin crawling, or bugs crawling all over them. If they are desperate enough, they will pick at the scabs and eat them for the meth that's still in their bodies. Meth mouth is a term that applies to the tooth decay and loss of teeth many meth addicts suffer. Many meth addicts are underweight because the drug suppresses appetite.
* Crystal meth is one of a few substances that will penetrate the barrier between a mother and fetus causing infants
to be born addicted.

Some long term effects of using meth can be: Schizoprehia and bi-polar disorders, paranoid psychosis, depression, fatigue, cravings, dilated pupils, suicide, psychotic behaviours and auditory hallucinations.

How Is It Used?
Meth is available in a wide variety of forms: ingest (swallow), snort, smoke or inject. This variety combined with the often low cost of crystal meth is what makes this drug so popular among poor and rural youth. Users are very particular often about which amphetamine they use and how they use it. Those interested in pharmaceutical amphetamines won't touch the street or 'dirty' drugs. Those who inject or snort have a wider selection, but those who choose to smoke are more limited and must find a freebase form like crystal meth.

Rule #1 of awareness, the only rule.

Rule number one of meth awareness is an obvious one. However well it may seem pretty obvious it is the biggest issue. People try Cocaine and think oh I handled that last weekend. Why not one line of speed. NO, It does not work the same.The average Dopamine increase of cocaine is 300-400% With Methamphetamine it could go as high as  1500+% . That right there tells you how hard it is going to hit, How great it is going to feel and How badly you are gonna come down. Expect HELL on earth.

One time is NOT okay, Your ultimately sacrificing your sanity. Your happiness. Your ability to feel remorse and love. Your throwing empathy out the window. You steal from everyone who has ever loved you as the weeks slowly turn into years your life begins to slowly but surely end. Its a disgusting and horrid death that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. This addiction will Literally kill you as you feel great and unstable for the whole ride


Thanks to Google images for Ice pictures and Drug statistics and awareness for some statistics, Link under info

dopamine-Dopamine (DA, contracted from 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) is an organic chemical of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families that plays several important roles in the brain and body. It is an amine synthesized by removing a carboxyl group from a molecule of its precursor chemical L-DOPA, which is synthesized in the brain and kidneys. Dopamine is also synthesized in plants and most animals.
